Equip 24/7 Virtual Mentoring and Leadership Program
For almost 20 years First and Goal, Inc. has been dedicated to the emotional health and well-being of students and their families. Now more than ever that mission is front and center as we work to make sure that students have support and be encouraged in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are also intentionally focused on the role we must play in the overall social emotional health of our nation, community and the students that we serve.
Although campuses are closes due to COVID-19 pandemic we are launching the First and the Goal, Inc. – Virtual Equip 24/7 Mentoring and Leadership Development Program. This program is a leadership program designed to encourage students about the importance of leadership virtually. The Virtual Equip 24/7 Mentoring and Leadership Development Program is dedicated to developing ways to change the problems at the heart of our students, campuses, and communities. It begins by building each individual and helping them to see the greatness inside of themselves. Helping others to unlock their potential creates better possibilities for our world as a whole.
This program emphasizes character and leadership development in a group setting while effectively reducing academic failure, juvenile delinquency, gang activity, and other factors that may lead to at-risk behavior. The program encourages student growth in the areas of goal setting, leadership, positive self-image, academic achievement, conflict resolution, and self-confidence. The sessions are designed to provide students with the necessary tools and resources needed to be effective leaders in their schools and communities. The First and Goal, Inc. – Virtual Equip 24/7 Mentoring and Leadership Development Program lessons offers students engaging and challenging lessons they can use while they are learning from home or school. The lessons and activities will help students identify their strengths, make better decisions, achieve their goals, develop a positive attitude, respect themselves as well as others, and handle the stress in their lives.
We are committed to building tomorrow’s leaders today.
Virtual Journey Beyond Dreams College Experience
The First and Goal, Inc. – Virtual Journey Beyond Dreams College Experience Program is an innovative program that allows for high school students to virtually participate in the college experience with multiple higher education institutions.
The Virtual Journey Beyond Dreams College Experience Program is committed to teaching our youth the power that lies within their possibilities. It is our goal to motivate youth to believe in themselves and inspire them to make their vision of success come to life. We dedicate our time to showing youth how to turn discouragement and defeat into optimism and victory.
The Virtual Journey Beyond Dreams College Experience Program was created to expose students to multiple higher education institutions in order to increase awareness, exposure and provide connectivity with individuals who can speak directly to their questions about college. In addition to introducing youth to the college experience, this unique program also equips them with life application skills and methods to apply the classroom curriculum to their everyday experiences.
Host Colleges:
- University of Houston
- Houston Christian University
- University of Southern California
- Utah Vally University
- Texas Christian University
- University of West Georgia
The Care and Share Mentoring Program
The Care and Share Mentoring Program is a group-mentoring component of First and Goal, Inc., which supports and enhances the current intervention/prevention strategies utilized in school districts. The Care and Share mentoring program provides comprehensive services and resources for youth that assist in altering negative behaviors and develops character, life, and leadership skills. The program is designed to motivate students to set and achieve goals and expose them to the resources and tools needed to be effective and productive members of society. It also provides an invaluable first-hand individual and group mentoring experience, which increases the students’ confidence in themselves and their abilities to succeed in life.
This program emphasizes character and leadership development in a group setting while effectively reducing academic failure, juvenile delinquency, gang activity, and other factors that may lead to at-risk behavior. The program encourages student growth in the areas of goal setting, leadership, positive self-image, academic achievement, conflict resolution, and self-confidence. The sessions are designed to provide students with the necessary tools and resources needed to be effective leaders in their schools and communities.
The sessions are modeled after four components:
- Group Mentoring – Exploration into social and academic issues, facilitate question and answer sessions, reflect on youth commentary, implement role-playing, and apply life applications.
- Academic Improvement – Setting educational and career goals, conducting program evaluation, motivating students to prepare for college, and providing resources for college entrances.
- Self-Image – Defining personal values, setting goals, redefining self-worth, assessing individual strengths and weaknesses, and exposing and maximizing natural talents.
- Character Education and Social Skills Development – Focusing on Leadership, team building, conflict resolution, violence prevention, community service, and evaluation of social strengths and weaknesses.
The goal of the Care and Share Mentoring Program is to provide a program that will aid in deterring youth from juvenile delinquent acts and behaviors. The program also provides youth with opportunities that will enrich, empower, and equip them with the necessary resources and tools needed to be active and productive members of society.
Program Objectives:
- Provide positive mentoring relationships;
- Build character in program participants;
- Promote positive self-image;
- Develop strong leadership skills;
- Increase critical thinking;
- Decrease the number of students engaging in risky behaviors such as substance and alcohol abuse, truancy, gang involvement, youth violence, and other risky behaviors;
- Increase the number of youth who exhibit increased social competencies;
- Increase the number of youth who report increased feelings of self-esteem and self-worth;
- Increase the number of students who show a positive change in the quality of their relationship;
- Increase interests in academic excellence;
- Develop student interests in career exploration;
- Increase the number of youth exhibiting an improvement in school involvement, attendance, and grades;
- Increase the number of high school graduation rates of program participants; and
- Increase interests in higher education
Read to Succeed Reading Program
“Our mentors are committed to supporting students with their time and dedication.”
– Tyrone Smith: Co-Founder of First and Goal, Inc.
Additional information:
Through our Read to Succeed Reading Program mentors provide:
- An hour per month during the school year to a designated class
arranged by the school; - A commitment to developing a meaningful connection with the local elementary school and class that they support; and
- A love of reading and demonstrating the power it has to impact a student’s life
The Read to Succeed Reading Program supports and prepares mentors by providing:
- Program resources and yearly training;
- Ongoing logistical and scheduling support;
- Books and topic recommendations; and
- Support from a Read to Succeed Reading Program trainer.
Leadership Empowerment to Achieve Dreams Conferences
Leadership is an influence, and influence without the proper leadership skills can be destructive. Many youths would like to lead but lack the training and knowledge of how to accomplish this task. Exposing youth to opportunities to develop and nurture their leadership skills is a necessity for reinforcing positive peer influence.
Peers have one of the most significant influences over one another. We believe that to successfully combat the rising number of problems and issues facing today’s youth, the youth themselves need to be intricately involved in the process of creating the solutions. L.E.A.D
(Leadership Empowerment to Achieve Dreams) group sessions teach leadership skills and strategies to assist youth in leading successful initiatives and creating positive changes within themselves as well as their schools and communities.
Goals and Objectives
The goal of the L.E.A.D (Leadership Empowerment to Achieve Dreams) Youth Leadership Conference is to develop, train, and motivate youth to adequately and effectively use their influence to create positive changes within themselves as well as their schools and communities.
The objectives for students participating in the L.E.A.D. Youth Leadership Conference are as follows:
- To identify and define the characteristics of a leader;
- To improve their leadership abilities;
- To target critical strategies for creating positive change;
- To identify and maximize their opportunities to make positive changes in their schools and communities;
- To make better choices and decisions;
- To build confidence in their ability to make their own choices;
- To empower students to strive for excellence and to value their
self-worth and importance; - To learn the various aspects of leadership;
- To determine the importance of teamwork and working together to achieve a common goal; and
- To understand the importance of working with their abilities and
strengths as well as those of others to achieve a common goal
Leadership conferences and workshops include:
- A professionally trained staff
- Highly energized and interactive training sessions and workshops
- Small and large group sessions
- Team building initiatives
- Large group activities
- Student follow-up through an evaluation component
Dream-filled and Drug-free Program
Through the Dream-Filled and Drug-Free Program, our goal is to make schools and communities safe by reducing substance abuse while encouraging and equipping youth to maximize their talents. We advocate a healthy lifestyle for all youth to achieve their dreams.
We teach youth to make responsible choices, and they are encouraged to display positive peer pressure and seek positive role models. We create an awareness of the dangers of drugs through education. Our team discusses topics such as communication, student relations, unity, perseverance, friendship, and healthy habits to encourage and enrich students with positive behavior or habits. The program is taught through motivational seminars, lively, action-packed general assemblies, and small or large group presentations.
To provide a Dream-Filled and Drug-Free atmosphere in schools, First and Goal implements curriculum and strategies that support our belief that all people have the right to a life free from substance abuse and its effects. Substance abuse prevention includes drug education, law enforcement, and treatment. Substance abuse negatively affects the safety and quality of life, building a barrier to self-development and a successful life. With this understanding, First and Goal seek to provide an educational environment and a positive social climate in all schools through innovative partnerships and community involvement.
Program Objectives
- To challenge and direct youth to lead meaningful lives;
- To help youth make responsible choices;
- To encourage positive peer pressure and youth role models;
- To create an awareness of the dangers of drugs through education;
- To discuss positive topics such as communication, student relations; and
- To discuss unity, perseverance, friendship, and healthy habits
Program Methods
- Motivational seminars
- Lively, action-packed general assemblies in schools, churches or community groups
- Small group discussions and large assembly presentations
- Referral and follow-up opportunities (assessing progress and further needs)
Program Beliefs
The Dream-Filled and Drug-Free Program is guided by the following beliefs:
- We can make a difference through innovative partnerships;
- Substance abuse hurts families and communities;
- Everyone has the right to a life free from substance abuse and its effects;
- Children are vulnerable and are entitled to our protection;
- Substance abuse negatively affects the safety and quality of life of our communities;
- Substance abuse prevention is crime prevention;
- A balanced approach to prevention includes education, enforcement, and treatment; and
- Substance abuse is a barrier to self-development and a successful life
Total Empowerment for Academic Motivation
Captivating, exhilarating, and motivating, are just a few of the adjectives that come to mind when describing the clear and direct message delivered by “TEAM-First and Goal.” TEAM-First and Goal is committed to teaching today’s youth, the power that lies within their possibilities. Life is a journey, and if we allow life to happen, we may miss our opportunities to become successful. For this reason, our youth need to learn the value of setting goals, preparing for their futures, and becoming dedicated to reaching their dreams.
The impact of the message brought by “TEAM-First and Goal” leaves the lasting effect on the minds and hearts of everyone they encounter. Society has influenced today’s youth to believe that success is unobtainable unless you have extraordinary talents. It is our goal to motivate our youth to believe in their abilities and to have the dedication and drive to make their vision of success come to life.
By learning the values of preparation, dedication, and self-worth, there truly is no limit to what our youth can contribute to their world. It is our goal to help our youth find the right path to making their dreams a reality. The sky is truly the limit for those who have hope and believe that nothing is impossible.
TEAM-First and Goal has been privileged to impact the lives of more than 100,000 youth at school assemblies, sports camps, churches, and other youth events across the United States and Europe. During each encounter, TEAM-First and Goal emphasize the importance of education, goal setting, leadership, and conflict resolution, all within a fusion of a dynamic presentation.
TEAM-First and Goal remind its audiences that, “It’s not whether you win or lose but how you play the game.” We use this popular saying to address young participants during competitive events, which emphasizes character building. However, the “Game of Life” does not take place on a field or court. The “Game of Life” exists as a constant battle between positive and negative attitudes. With this theme in mind and the understanding that one must have a successful game plan to achieve goals, our slogan, “A Game Plan for Life,” was born. There is a desperate need for our future leaders to learn the fundamental principles and values that will prepare them for life’s challenges. Helping students set and achieve their goals is the commitment of First and Goal, Inc.
During each encounter, TEAM First and Goal emphasizes the importance of:
- Reaching for Your Dreams – “In Order to Achieve, One Must Believe”
- Maximizing Your Opportunities – “Taking Action Today”
- Knowing Your Purpose – “Developing A Game Plan for Life”
- Building Your Legacy – “It’s Not Where You Start, It’s Where You Finish”